Get The Information You Need


There is an abundance of health and wellness information from a variety of sources that is readily available. It can be frustrating to know what information best meets your needs and contributes in a credible and appropriate way to your well-being.  Preventative Health First is committed to identifying up-to-date, factual and helpful information.  The following sites can serve as a basis for sound preventative health information.


Food“Let food be your medicine”- Hippocrates


“Let food be your medicine”

- Hippocrates

WATER“There is no life without water.”- Albert Szent-Gyorgyi (Nobel prize winner)


“There is no life without water.”

- Albert Szent-Gyorgyi (Nobel prize winner)

AIR“For many people, the health risks from exposure to indoor air pollution may be greater than those related to outdoor pollution.” - International Journal of Environmental Research & Public Health


“For many people, the health risks from exposure to indoor air pollution may be greater than those related to outdoor pollution.”

- International Journal of Environmental Research & Public Health

MOVEMENT  “Lack of activity destroys the good condition of every human being.  While movement and methodical physical exercise save it and preserve it.” - Plato


“Lack of activity destroys the good condition of every human being.  While movement and methodical physical exercise save it and preserve it.”

- Plato

AVOIDANCE “The electromagnetic fields produced by mobile phones are classified by the International Agency for Research on Cancer as possibly carcinogenic to humans.” - World Health


“The electromagnetic fields produced by mobile phones are classified by the International Agency for Research on Cancer as possibly carcinogenic to humans.”

- World Health Organization


This content is provided for informational purposes only.  The information is not intended to cure, prevent, diagnose or treat any disease.  Content should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, expertise or treatment.

The reader assumes full responsibility for consulting a qualified health professional regarding health conditions or concerns.  The compiler of this information is not responsible for adverse reactions, effects, or consequences resulting from the use of any suggestion undertaken hereafter.  The reader of this material is ultimately responsible for all decisions pertaining to their health.